1000 Voices Speak For Compassion


SAVE THE DATE: February 20

Too many horrible things have clouded our world recently — even more than usual.

It’s becoming increasingly more difficult to see the beauty with my rose-colored glasses.

What this universe is crying out for is a paradigm shift toward less violence and hatred and more kindness and compassion.

1000 Voices Speak For Compassion is a brand new initiative.

A few brilliant minds (not mine) conjured up 1000 Voices Speak For Compassion and set a goal to get 1000 bloggers coming together to write about compassion on the 20th of February.

The goal?

To flood the internet with love and help create change for good.

After only three days there are already over 600 bloggers (and videographers) on board.

If you blog or make videos, PLEASE join us.

You can find the Facebook group by clicking the link below.

1000 Voices for Compassion https://www.facebook.com/groups/306227992909657/

And if you don’t blog, please read the many wonderful posts that will be coming — both in the lead-up to the day and on 20th February!

Can we change the world?


At least we can try, right?