Excogitate Inside The Box.

To think out; devise; invent.
To study intently and carefully in order to grasp or comprehend fully.


According to wiseGEEK, to think outside the box means means to “handle a situation or challenge in an unconventional manner. The origin of the phrase is believed to date back to the 1960s, and is often associated with a famous mental puzzle called The Nine Dots.”

I’ve had a lot of jobs over the years and I’ve found that no one really wanted me to think outside the box — independently, creatively, with imagination or compassion. I felt the overwhelming corporate mantra was to agree with everything and keep quiet.

So much for my employment history…and on to another one of my obsessions–

I love boxes; cardboard boxes, wooden boxes, large and small boxes. Over the years, I’ve accumulated a massive collection. (I’m not a hoarder, I’m not a hoarder, I’m NOT a hoarder. Stop thinking that!)

But a box full of Bandit was my favorite.
Our poor baby died of chronic renal failure in 2010. Wasn’t she soo beautiful? Sniff.

banditjuly10 003BOX

She’s speaking to me with her eyes, ” I don’t feel very good, Mommy.”

We haven’t been able to have another petchild because we still miss her way too much but I do have a collection of boxes to add to my love for seashells, rocks, beach glass, blue glass, and elephant-y things.

Do you have a favorite box? What do you collect?

43 thoughts on “Excogitate Inside The Box.

  1. They are beautiful! How in the world is a person to pick a favorite? I think I’m partial to the flowered one from Mexico. Or maybe the rose quartz. Perhaps the Korean mother-of-pearl. Maybe the unicorn, since I used to collect unicorns. I simply can’t decide!! You have a stunning collection and I find myself a bit jealous. 🙂


  2. What a nice collection of boxes. That Korean mother of pearl box is beautiful,especially. Also love the box where you both have a necklace for when you are apart. Enjoyed looking at your collection.


  3. Lovely boxes. I used to collect unique coffee mugs (especially since I’m a major java addict) however, they were lost in a move and I never started again.


  4. I had a friend at a job a few years ago who collected boxes, so sometimes I would buy her a small gift (like a Timmy’s gift card) but put it in a really cute box because I knew she would appreciate the box more.


  5. Box full of kitty is one of my favorite things too. Both Sara and Belle love to play in boxes… Well, Belle loves to play with them and Sara loves to eat them, but that’s basically the same thing anyway, right?


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