Gardenia #WordlessWednesday

This was my mom’s favorite and sometimes I’ll get a plant so I can remember her by their fragrance, even though I’m sooo allergic.

I used to think gardenia and camellia were the same flower, but I learned that the gardenia is known for its intense perfume; less so the camellia. I never knew that!

Here’s to you, the original Charlotte, the first gardenia bloom on this hot summer’s day…

To A Mockingbird

He sat for the longest time on a volunteer Brazilian peppertree. The original tree was removed because it’s an invasive species, but also resilient and obnoxious, an aggressive woody weed which displaces native vegetation and rapidly invades disturbed sites.

To A Mocking Bird

The name thou wearest does thee grievous wrong;
No mimic thou: that voice is thine alone.
The poets sing but strains of Shakespeare’s song;
The birds, but notes of thine imperial own.– Henry Jerome Stockard


Nasturtiums in Orange #WordlessWednesday

So much is upsetting at WordPress…the change in the Reader and the format of the write/edit/publish page–whoever thought one could HATE to see “beepbeepboop” as much as I do — so in order to recapture my ZEN, here’s one of my favorite pictures of nasturtiums from the garden.

Because ORANGE.

It looks like a painting.

Enjoy this mostly #wordlesswednesday

Nastursiums orange

A Mother’s Love #WordlessWednesday

Our very own full nest.

Property of

Property of

#hummingbird #nature #nestingbirds #birds #MotherNature #love #motherslove

[Lavender Haiku] #Poetry #Photo #Wordless Wednesday

Late afternoon sun
Perfuming a slight warm breeze
Lavender grows here

garden lavender

Photo credit: Enchanted Seashells

 Haiku by Princess Rosebud

Totally Wordless Wednesday: Pure Ivory, A Virtuous Lily

Pure Ivory, A Virtuous LilyWhite Calla Lily close upPhoto Credit:
Princess Rosebud @Enchanted Seashells, Confessions of a Tugboat Captain’s Wife