May Day is Ah-MAY-Zing!

Gather all the little children
With May flowers in their hair
For they shall dance
Around the maypole
For they shall dance
The day away

May Day blessings to all – A little May Day poem by Athey Thompson

For me, the month of May is the BEST not only because of Mother’s Day but it’s also my birthday month.

Last year Mother’s Day and my birthday fell on the same day. It’s an extra special treat for my two favorite days to be combined into one celebration.

The best known modern May Day traditions include dancing around the maypole and crowning the May Queen. Fading in popularity is the tradition of giving of “May baskets”, small baskets of candy or flowers. I think we should revive that adorable custom, don’t you?

Just in time for May Day, I found an adorable porcelain flower basket at Goodwill for about three dollars and I HAD to bring it home with me.

So far, this month started off in an ah-MAY-zing way.

Since it wasn’t a great video, I won’t post it, but THREE coyotes came to visit last night– THREE! — all together, and early this morning at first light, another coyote visit was captured on my wildlife camera. That’s NEVER happened before and I am soso excited.

The weather is warming up; all the fruit trees are flowering, the roses and ceanothus and lavender are in bloom, and baby birds are hatching.

Beltane, which takes also takes place on May 1st, is a celebration of the abundance of Earth and the forces of Nature. Bonfires are traditionally set to engender a sense of connection with ourselves and all living beings, but that wouldn’t be a smart thing to do in our wildfire ravaged state, so the flame from a safe candle must suffice.

Happy May Day and Happy Beltane!

Miracles and Magic

Let’s go
To where the magic waits for us
Where our hopes, our dreams
Our wishes. Come true.
Athey Thompson

Yesterday was a magical day full of miracles.

In the garden, I looked up in a tree and saw two hawks mating! (I didn’t take any photos to protect their privacy.) Last night one of the wild baby bunnies was on the deck and scratched at the screen door like it wanted to come in the house (I didn’t open the door, but I was tempted), and the third miracle is that my adorable little vireos are once again nesting in a brand new bird house!


“And as to me, I know nothing else but miracles” — Walt Whitman


In my dreams…

Those Enchanted places
Where the past shall always be
Where the past shall linger
Quietly, in the present.

Poem by Athey Thompson
Art by Lucy Campbell

Whisper To Me

Today’s Full Wolf Moon mood…

I heard a whisper
Coming from the trees
And, in that moment
I was gone
Gone away
To return, to where I’d come from.

A little Poem by Athey Thompson
Taken from A Little Pocket Book of Poems by Athey Thompson
Photo credit to Enchanted Seashells of magical tree at Big Sur

New Moon: Darkness and Light


There in the wild darkness
is the silence
And, after the darkness
Comes the light

A New Dawn.

A Little Poem by Athey Thompson

Tonight’s new moon in Capricorn can enlighten the pathway to our desires and our dreams, our awareness of who we are and how we feel about ourselves. Let go of any old unhealthy thoughts and beliefs.

A Little New Moon Ceremony
As the darkness draws near
Light a candle
Sit alone in peace
In silence
And invite your hopes
Your wishes
Write them down
Tell the New Moon
Of what you have written
And, welcome in your hopes
Your wishes
Believe you will receive
And say thank you
To the New Moon.
Upon such a dark night there be magic in the air, it be everywhere.
And, as they do say, ”Those who believe are those who receive”.

by Athey Thompson

Ocean Magic

Let her be
For her heart is filled with stardust
Her soul is as wild and free
As the wind

Have you ever witnessed something so exquisitely beautiful it almost made you cry?

I saw more dolphins yesterday! I watched three of them surf the big waves until they were too far away to see without binocs, and then I exhaled a big sigh. It was only then that I realized that I had been holding my breath.

How IwishIwishIwish I was a mermaid.

From Pinterest

A Little Poem written by Athey Thompson
Art unknown from Pinterest

Come Home

Yesterday’s angst is over; problems solved — today is Friday the 13th, a day that was once considered unlucky until we learned that its negative image is rooted in the patriarchy suppressing the power of the female.

Rather than being afraid of Friday the 13th, especially since its ruled by Venus, we could instead manifest its magic as a day to connect to our beauty and nature.

For me, that’s always been the easiest route; my animal family is all about love. This IS home, along with art and a poem.

I shall
Gather up
All the lost souls
That wander this earth
All the ones that are alone
All the ones that are broken
All the ones that never really fitted in
I shall gather them all up
And together we shall find our home

“Gather up” A Poem written by Athey Thompson
Taken from A Little Book Of Poetry
Art by Elaine Bayley curated from Pinterest