Ultimate Smoothie Recipe

Yup, another smoothie recipe.

Don’t HATE.
Don’t say YUCK.
Don’t roll your eyes at me.

smallsmoothieI’ve  been torturing my family for years, forcing them to drink the sometimes often dreadful concoctions that I formulate from a deranged aggregate of ingredients — adding a little of this and a little of that — sometimes palatable, sometimes not.

While the raw Cauliflower-Brussel Sprouts Smoothie was NOT a winner, I think I’ve finally developed the perfectly Ultimate Smoothie.

  • Tastes delicious
  • Nutritious
  • Helps with digestive/gall bladder issues (me)
  • Provides lots of energy


  • Garden of Life Raw Protein Powder in Vanilla, Vanilla Chai, Chocolate, or Marley Coffee
  • Slippery Elm powder, great for digestion
  • Flaxseed Meal, full of healthy fiber
  • Chia seeds
  • EmergenC, one or two packets
  • Beets, canned/unsalted or from my garden (good for gall bladder)
  • Garden of Life Perfect Food Raw Organic Wheat Grass Juice Powder
  • Garden of Life Perfect Food Raw Organic Powder
  • Juices:  A combo of Rio Red Grapefruit, Apple, Mango, Cranberry
  • Banana (one or two)
  • Any other fresh fruit, this time I used blueberries and pears, but anything you have is yummy —  from peaches to watermelon
  • Nonfat yogurt, regular or Greek for more protein or soy/hemp/almond milk for vegan.
  • Ginger (to taste, I use about an inch-peeled)
  • Turmeric powder…great anti-inflammatory (1 teaspoon)
  • Cinnamon (1 teaspoon)
  • Ginseng (I use Korean Ginseng tea granules)

Additions: I usually add a handful of kale, chard, spinach, parsley, mint…just about any greens, even dark leafy lettuce

I throw it all in the blender and process until very smooth. You’ll never taste the greens or the beets, but they add a bright undertone to the fruit.

If you have a lime or a lemon, add a squeeze or two. I have a friend who tosses in a whole orange, peel and all, from her own organically grown tree. I’ve never done that, but it’s certainly an option.

Whether you try my smoothie as a meal replacement (like I do) or as a healthy between-meal snack, my Ultimate Smoothie will provide added energy and lots of nutrition for your busy day.

P.S. Yes, I use a lot of ingredients, but it’s still easy to do and can be made anywhere if you have a blender or even an immersion blender.

Bon appétit!

I hate swallowing vitamins and supplements but the smooth and creamy texture of my ultimate smoothie helps them go down without gagging.

Since I’ve been taking Garden of Life Kind Organics supplements, I feel so good and it’s really helped with my digestive issues (and my son is a fan, too!) I’m a big believer in pre and pro-biotics, balancing intestinal flora and fauna, and you remember I’m a junkie for wheat grass!

Here’s what I take every day:
Garden of Life Primal Defense
Garden of Life Fungal Defense
Garden of Life RAW Enzymes Women
Garden of Life Kind Organics Women’s Multi 40+

My tugboat man and son have the same routine, but theirs is especially formulated for men.

Enloy and be HEALTHY!

How To Make Infused Vodkas

Perfect for the Fourth of July…or any day of the week.


Our neighbors are hosting a party for the 4th (is it next week already?) and requested my famous array of infused vodkas.

The last time I made them, we all stayed up ’til way past midnight playing ping pong and darts in our garage and running back and forth between our two houses like we were back in college.

It was awesome fun!

It’s so friggin’ easy, but you need to start NOW, because the ingredients need a chance to infuse and marry and develop flavor in the vodka.

Plus, it’s impossible to NOT indulge in a little tasting every so often LOL.

Here’s all you need to be successful:

A HUGE bottle of good vodka. I got Stoli ‘cos it was on sale.
Black peppercorns
Lavender (from our garden)
Basil (bought it, our garden’s a bit late this year)
Rosemary (from garden)
I think any herbs would be great to experiment with. All you need is more vodka!
Clean glass jars.

infused vodkaI pour a decent amount of vodka into the jars, and start adding things. My friends love Jalapeño Garlic Pepper Infused Vodka  while I LOVE spicy hot jalapeños…my Jalapeno Infused Vodka. 

On their own, the Jalapeno/Jalapeno Garlic infusions are delicious for sipping; however the addition of low-sodium tomato juice makes a PHENOMENAL Bloody Mary. Just add celery.

Our next favorite is Ginger-Basil Infusion. Mouth waveringly delish.

Lavender Infused Vodka is flowery and herby at the same time, and AMAZING with dessert.

I’ve never tried Rosemary Infused Vodka, but it can’t be bad, ya know?

Now YOU try it!

Be creative — try lemon balm or lemongrass with basil or other herbs. I’ve used fruit too; apples and peaches and cherries are awesome.

If you’re anywhere near Casa de Enchanted Seashells on the 4th, stop by for a tasting!

Best EVER Green and Fruity Smoothie Recipe

smoothie1Confession: I’m a smoothie freak.

I’ve been torturing my family for years, forcing them to drink the sometimes often dreadful concoctions that I formulate from a deranged aggregate of ingredients — adding a little of this and a little of that — sometimes palatable, sometimes not.

While the raw Cauliflower-Brussel Sprouts Smoothie was NOT a winner, I think I’ve finally developed the PERFECT Green and Fruity Smoothie.

  • Tastes delicious…no complaining and no gagging from anyone who drinks it (like the above mentioned Cauliflower-Brussel Sprouts smoothie)
  • Nutritious
  • Helps with digestive/gall bladder issues (me)
  • Provides lots of energy

Some basic ingredients: smoothieingredients

  • Protein Powder; I like Aria whey protein ‘cos it doesn’t taste chalky, but choose whatever you like
  • Slippery Elm powder, great for digestion
  • Flaxseed Meal, full of healthy fiber
  • Chia seeds
  • EmergenC, one or two packets
  • Beets, canned/unsalted or from my garden (good for gall bladder)
  • Powdered wheat grass or Very Green from Trader Joe’s


  •  Super Red Drink, also from Trader Joe’s


  • Juices:  A combo; Rio Red Grapefruit, Apple, Mango, Cranberry
  • Banana (one or two)
  • Any other fresh fruit, this time I used blueberries, but anything you have is yummy —  from peaches to watermelon
  • Nonfat yogurt, regular or Greek for more protein
  • Ginger (to taste, I use about an inch-peeled)
  • Turmeric…great anti-inflammatory (1 teaspoon)
  • Cinammon (1 teaspoon)
  • Ginseng (I use Korean Ginseng tea granules)
    ***Additions: I usually add a handful of kale, chard, spinach, parsley, mint…just about any greens, even dark leafy lettuce

I throw it all in the blender and process until very smooth. You’ll never taste the greens or the beets, but they add a bright undertone to the fruit. If you have a lime or a lemon, add a squeeze or two. I have a friend who tosses in a whole orange, peel and all, from her own organically grown tree. I’ve never done that, but it’s certainly an option.

Whether you try my smoothie as a meal replacement (like I do) or as a healthy between-meal snack, my Green and Fruity Smoothie will provide added energy and lots of nutrition for your busy day.

P.S. Yes, I use a lot of ingredients, but it’s still easy to do and can be made anywhere if you have a blender or even an immersion blender.

chemistThis is how I feel when I’m creating one of my smoothie masterpieces.
Bon appétit!










MORE Old Time Remedies from 1892

Old Medical BookA beat up edition of The Cottage Physician — published in 1892 — has been around my house forever; I’m not sure where it came from but I’ve always been fascinated reading about diseases and cures.

Every so often, I’ll blow the dust off and share some of the remedies here on Enchanted Seashells. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.

Except for the Ginger, Arnica, and Yarrow, I can’t recommend actually using these ingredients. I drink ginger tea, cook with fresh ginger — LOVE anything ginger. My Botox doc suggests using arnica for bruising — it has a really high rate of efficacy.  I grow yarrow in my garden but I’ve never actually made a tea with it, but I know people who have.


Trask’s Magnetic Ointment
Lard, raisins, fine cut tobacco, each equal parts. rolling-cigarette-and-tobacco
Mix thoroughly.




For Pain Relief

Choice Family Liniment
Origanum oil, 2 ounces; aqua ammonia, 1 ounce, opium, ½ ounce, tincture iodine ,1/4 ounce, spike oil (lavender), 1 ounce, alcohol, 1 pint. This has been in constant family use for over fifty years, and is a most excellent remedy for all general purposes, both for man and beast.

Opium poppy

Opium poppy




Carter’s Little Liver Pills
Podophyllin 1 ¼ grains (used to be used to treat genital warts, too), aloes (socotrine) 3 ½ grains, mucilage acacia, sufficient quantity. Mix. Divide into 12 pills, and coat with sugar.





Ginger, Syrup of
Compound ginger, sliced and bruised, one ounce; angelica root, sliced and bruised, ½ ounce; peppermint, ½ ounce; boiling water, one pint—infuse in a warm place an hour



Strain it, press off, add sugar, two pounds; simmer and strain. Dose: a tablespoonful when required. It is useful for a pain in the stomach, wind, colic, and the like. (Sounds great, but way too much sugar!)




Arnica (Arnica Montana) Leopard’s Bane
A European plant. The flowers alone are used int this country Useful in cuts, bruises and internal injuries. An infusion or decoction of half ounce of the flower to a pint of water is the best preparation for external use. For internal injuries the tincture may be given in five or ten drop doses every two hours.



Yarrow (Archillea Millefolia)
Stimulant, tonic, promotes the appetite and improves the digestion. Highly recommended for piles, delayed menstruation, leucorrhea, and flatulent colic. Administered in infusion.


pumpkinseeds2xPumpkin Seeds (Curcurbita Pepo)
A remedy of reputation for expelling tapeworm, and if properly used they rarely fail. The patient should subsist entirely upon the seeds and milk for twenty-four hours. Eat freely and drink a limited quantity of milk to allay thirst, at the expiration of twenty-four hours, take a good dose of castor oil.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I’m merely sharing anecdotal content from a book I found interesting to read. This post contains general information about medical conditions and treatments. The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on anything that you read here as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.  If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.
Credit: This was created using a Contractology template available at http://www.freenetlaw.com.